Alembic Forest (2024)
by J.H. Prynne
Timepiece in Total (2024)
by J.H. Prynne
Hadn't Yet Bitten (2023)
by J.H. Prynne
Fox, Closet & Fist (2023)
by Salomé Honório
At Raucous Purposeful (2023)
by J.H. Prynne
Foremost Wayleave (2023)
by J.H. Prynne
Hand Hiding Hand (2023)
by Jennifer Soong
Saturation Net Zero (2022)
by Drew Milne
At the Monument (2022)
by J.H. Prynne
Not Ice Novice (2022)
by J.H. Prynne
Latency of the Conditional (2022)
by J.H. Prynne
Mental Travailers (2022)
by Iain Sinclair
Sea Shells Told (2022)
by J.H. Prynne
Sans Soleil (2022)
by Maria Sledmere & Fred Spoliar
Snooty Tipoffs (2021)
by J.H. Prynne
Memory Working: Impromptus (XVIII-XXVI) (2021)
by J.H. Prynne
Lay Them Straight (2021)
by J.H. Prynne
Dune Quail Eggs (2021)
by J.H. Prynne
Fever Hammers (2021)
by Iain Sinclair
To Account For (2021)
by Ian Patterson
Nothing Worked (2021)
by Timothy Thornton
Efflux Reference (2021)
by J.H. Prynne
Orchard (Equipage, 2020)
by J.H. Prynne
Duets Infer Duty (2020)
by J.H. Prynne
See By So (2020)
by J.H. Prynne
Torrid Auspicious Quartz (2020)
by J.H. Prynne
Kernels in Vernal Silence (2020)
by J.H. Prynne
Aquatic Hocquets (2020)
by J.H. Prynne
Memory Working: Impromptus (XI-XVII) (2020)
by J.H. Prynne
Passing Grass Parnassus (2020)
by J.H. Prynne
by James Goodwin
Enchanter's Nightshade (2020)
by J.H. Prynne
Memory Working: Impromptus (2020)
by J.H. Prynne
Squeezed White Noise (2020)
by J.H. Prynne
Chords (2020)
by Raymond Crump
The Neckless Spokesperson of the Garden of Earthly Delights (2019)
by John Dewitt
None Yet More Willing Told (2019)
by J.H. Prynne
Of Better Scrap (2019)
by J.H. Prynne
A Very Short Introduction to Ghosts (2019)
by Timothy Thornton
Rainbow Arcadia (2019)
by Maria Sledmere
Sharp Wren Task (2019)
by Will Stuart
Poems of Sappho (2019)
by Verity Spott
Apophthegms (2017)
by J.H. Prynne
Save Your Eyes (2017)
by Tom Raworth
The Last Shyness (2017)
by Ryan Dobran
Mother; beautiful things (2017)
by Imogen Cassels
Poems (2012-2017)
by Oki Sogumi
by Verity Spott
and Timothy Thornton
A River Has Turned Red
A Broadside for Tom Raworth
by Ian Heames
Nine Drugs
by Ulf Stolterfoht
trans. Lisa Jeschke
To Form
by Ian Heames
Graft and Corruption: Shakespeare's Sonnet 15
by J.H. Prynne
Average Cabin
by Tom Raworth
Dead Cheap
by Lisa Jeschke
Marine Snow
Nine Plays
by Will Stuart
The Undersong
by Jonty Tiplady
by Peter Riley
The Artwar Reader (1998)
by Jeff Keen
Urgent Film (1993)
by Jeff Keen
Banners Over Terminal Highway
by Ian Heames
Team You
by Mike Wallace-Hadrill
by Jefferson Toal
by Ryan Dobran
Out Of Villon
by Ian Heames
Nettle Range Bladefear
by Mike Wallace-Hadrill
Bad Flowers
by Ian Heames
Marine Snow (2014)
laid paper sown into floral wrappers
Banerjee, Emery, L Wilkinson,
Thornton, J Wilkinson, Prynne,
Stanton, Elbarasi,
Prynne & Ulman (correspondence)
Soong, Prynne, Sledmere,
Kiely, Sutherland, Stuart,
Persad, Gilonis (on Lee Harwood)
Kaur, Spott, Patterson,
Jeschke, Brown & Good
& Mayer, Goodwin, Himyari,
Kilbride, Kiely, Chalmers,
Scarborough, James.
Mesones Rojo, Raworth,
Doherty, Padgett, Nylund,
Prynne, Manson, Sutherland,
Cassels, Grundy, Katko,
DeWitt & Meyrignac,
van Hensbergen, Spott,
Tiplady, Myles.
Ruznic, Holsborough,
Luna, Khutsiev (trans. Sands),
Marriott, Prynne, Sogumi,
Leonard, Grosu, Redhorse,
James, Fazal, Raworth.
Chalmers, French,
John, Larkin, Mayer,
Oppenheimer, Scozzaro,
Stuart, Tiplady, Warner.
Anonymous, Bonney, Brasch
(trans. Jeschke), Curran,
De’Ath, Fuller, Jarvis,
Manson, Prynne,
Robertson, Seita
King, Helizcer, Mendelssohn,
Toal, Weber, Keen,
McGillicuddy, Rodefer,